Our club is managed by a Board of Directors with many of the Directors having specific roles. Here are those specific director roles:
- Ted Koenig, Treasurer, manages the finances of the club and maintains all financial records of the club.
- Leonie Kolvenbag, Secretary, maintains all membership and related records for the club on both the club and Rotary International databases.
- Adam Guyer, Club Administration, oversees our governance structures and processes. and takes on additional duties such as working with the Kennett Rotaract Club, which is currently focused on expanding its membership. In his governance role Adam is evaluating our relationship with the District Foundation, Gundaker. Adam is also on the Board of the Baldric Foundation, a childhood cancer focused non-profit many Chester County fire companies support.
- Brendan Murphy manages our preparations for the Gala. This makes him responsible for funding he majority of our donations to the community.
- Dawn Talley, Projects Director, develops and manages our overall service project workload. Through Dawn's efforts we donate thousands of hours of support to our community and the many non-profits within it.
- Mark Rybarczyk, Public Relations and Technology Director, planned and managed our conversion to the new Club Runner website and system for managing newsletter production. This conversion integrated our club records with those of RI for the first time, greatly increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of Leonie's work. For the first time, we now have a consistently current, informative, and interesting website, Instagram, and Facebook presence. This effort is succeeding through the support of Jackie Crego
- Len Vannicola, Membership Director, works with everyone in the club to recruit prospective members and educate them in our club as they join. Currently we have 86 members and Len would like to see us grow to 95 this year.
- Lynn Nathan-Samick, Youth Programs Director, supports our inbound and outbound exchange students. In this role she works closely with our own Rob Newman in his equivalent District level role. Lynn is currently working with the Technical College High School on a new apprenticeship program. Many of the students involved in the apprenticeship program are truly ready for full time jobs in their chosen trade.
- Bob Curran is our President Elect. In addition to preparing to lead our club next year he is the President of our club foundation.