President Tammy Duering announced that this year she and our planned next two presidents, Bob Curran, President Elect, and Vicki Gehrt, Vice President, are working together to create a strategic plan for the club that will ensure continuity of effort on our projects. That is one of the reasons for having done the Community Assessment, which was reported on at last week's meeting.
Working jointly also ensures the club and our separately chartered 501(c)(3) Foundation, which is led by Bob Curran, operates in close coordination to serve our community. The Foundation board, which meets monthly, makes the formal decisions on what donations we make and organizations we support financially. A new policy the Foundation put in place this year is assigning a club member to track the performance of the organizations we fund and periodically report to the Board on that performance. In addition to Bob Curran, the Foundation Board consists of Tammy Duering, Bob Listerman, Dawn Talley, Jose Colon, Paola Rosas and Christine McDonald.
Following are the detailed responsibilities of our current officers and directors:
Vice President: Vicki Gehrt identifies the speakers for all our meetings and helps them prepare for speaking. While this can be said quickly it involves a lot of work and time coordinating everything.
Treasurer: Ted Koenig oversees the finances of the club. This includes preparing budgets, maintaining the financial records, ensuring all bills are proper and paying them, and reconciling all records to each other. He also works closely with our accountant to ensure our taxes are filed properly and on time.
Secretary: Leonie Kolvenbag has worked closely with Mark Rybarczyk to convert our records to the Club Runner system. She maintains all our membership records at the club, district and Rotary International levels; prepares member invoices quarterly; maintains our attendance records including volunteer and meeting make-up efforts; coordinates our invoicing with Longwood Gardens for our breakfast meetings, and collects happy dollars many weeks. One of Leonie's major goals is to better coordinate the multiple record keeping systems and go paperless.
Club Administration Director: Adam Guyer just finished our multi-year effort to update club bylaws, and is now researching the District Gundaker Foundation. He generally goes where he is needed, which includes working with Rotaract currently.
Gala Director: Brendan Murphy is the leader for the essentially all year effort it takes to manage our annual Gala. This is a major project management effort that generates essentially all the funds we have to invest in our community the following year. Brendan reported about half the tickets are already sold and sponsorship and advertising sales underway.
Projects Director: Dawn Talley coordinates all our service projects in the community. She identifies the need for individual projects with input from all members, selects the leader for each service project, and supports them with member and volunteer recruiting.
Publicity and Technology Director: Mark Rybarczyk converted all our records and most of our repeating processes to the Club Runner system. He has redesigned and relaunched our web site and keeps it up to date and works with a small team of members to maintain our social media presence.
Membership Director: Len Vannicola formally brings the new members you recommend into the club by conducting the "fireside" chat where the responsibilities of members are covered in detail. He is also willing to support all of us in our recruitment efforts as needed.
Youth Programs Director: Lynn Nathan coordinates all our youth programs with the support of individual program coordinators. This includes Rotaract, Interact and student exchanges plus RYLA participation.
Rotary International Foundation Director: John Stradling coordinates and manages the annual contribution efforts to the RI Foundation Annual Fund, which provides the funds for district, club, and international grants that fund many of our larger projects. The minimum annual goal for our club is to have every member contribute at least $100, with the higher goal to beat last year's average donation per member. Currently 94% of our members have contributed to the annual fund.