The census experiences a low response rate in the Kennett Square area. Since Joy Dvornicich feels the Census is a good way to bring in much needed funds to help Pennsylvania sustain and build healthy and successful communities she left the VA recently to work on the 2020 Census. Joy will speak about how we can work together to inform the public and encourage a complete response to the 2020 census. There are $675 billion dollars which will be distributed to the states in the next ten years based on these numbers.
Joy has worked for the federal government for over 20 years. She is a U.S. Navy veteran, worked for the CDC for 5 years as a microbiologist in the Pennsylvania state bioterrorism laboratory, and worked 10 years for the Veterans Administration as an emergency manager. She earned her MPH from West Chester University and is earning her Ph.D. in Public Administration/Public Policy with a concentration in Emergency Management now.