The specific ask of the club ( and voting question) is to authorize the Longwood Rotary Foundation to release funds during the 2019-2020 Rotary fiscal year for the following:
1) $8000 to Good Neighbors projects using the new model that Longwood has developed with Good Neighbors, which combines both project funding and volunteer labor for ongoing small projects that Longwood would manage under the Good Neighbors umbrella. The funds are expected to be used for a number of as yet undefined projects.
2) $10,000 to fund the Habitat for Humanity interest payment on their construction loan for 5 housing units in West Grove. The money will be released in two separate $5000 amounts. The first $5,000 will be paid after the full $50,000 needed for interest payments is funded. The second $5,000 will be released based on construction work progress. Our funds ($10,000) will be held in escrow until the payment conditions are met.
Longwood Rotary Foundation's 2019-2020 approved budget includes a line item for Housing of $18,000. So this vote will approve releasing the money as it is needed.
Foundation By laws require that any funding greater than $5000 be approved by the Club. The vote ( paper ballot) at our 8/22 meeting will require a quorum (44 members) be present to be held, and a majority vote is needed for approval. If you cannot attend the meeting and would like to vote please send me a yes or no vote via email to Bob Curran.